Thursday, December 1, 2011

google reader sadness

For about as long as I've had my blog, I've had my "shared items" box in the sidebar.  The box was populated by stuff I would read in Google Reader and then share.  Google updated Reader a few weeks ago and it appears as though it lost that functionality.  Boo.  Well, you guys, I still have things to share.  If anyone knows of a similar and simple way to share stuffs I find on the interwebs, feel free to clue me in.  In the mean time, I will share some stuff below that I think you should check out. 

First of all, Joanna Brooks deserves a paragraph all to herself.  If you haven't heard of Joanna, I feel really bad for you.  It's not too late to change that though.  She has an advice column called Ask Mormon Girl where she tackles intriguing questions like "Is my Mormon hipster style wrecking my marriage chances?" or "My daughter is bringing her girlfriend home.  What's a Mormon mom to do?" or "I'm at a tricky spot in my religious life, and I've let my temple recommend expire.  Now, my best friend is getting married in the temple. Help?" or "I'm a 16 year old Latina Mormon, and I'm fed up with my ward's lame Young Women's Program.  Help!" or "I'm sexually attracted to my fiance!  Should I fee guilty?"

(OK, Joanna get's two paragraphs) Also, if you haven't already, you should listen to Krista Tippett's interview with Joanna about Mormonism for Krista's public radio show OnBeing as well as Joanna's appearance on NPR's Talk of the Nation.  Kendall interviewed both Joanna and Krista (separately) for Far Between, so you'll be able to see both of them in that next year.  If it seems like I have a crush on Joanna, it's because I do.  I dare you to try and not have a crush on her.

Other interesting items to check out:

Are Mormons Any Weirder Than The Rest of Us? from the Huffington Post

My Gay Husband from the New York Times

The forbidden labels of discipleship from my friend Adam's blog.  He posts a conversation he had on Facebook with someone about homosexuality.  I think he does a great job of addressing some common misunderstandings without it coming to blows. :)

And then there's this from Tom & Lorenzo.  Because it's so. damn. funny.

I'm sure there are plenty of other things that I have read and loved and since forgotten.  Blame Google. 


  1. Jon, I have a crush on Joanna, too! Twinners. Check out her interview on the Mormon Women Project:

  2. Thank you for posting that, Krisanne. That reminds me, I was going to say, if anyone else has anything else to share, please do. It can even be about something besides Joanna.

  3. jon its been way too long since i've talked to you. i'll go check out that npr thing because you usually have great reccomendations.

  4. The NY Times article you posted was quite powerful...what struck me was this line:

    "Truth trumps lies every time."

    Now only if finding the courage to be truthful wasn't historically so difficult and if society were accepting...
