Sunday, February 6, 2011

my life. on facebook.

Hey dudes.  As you might have noticed, I got an extreme blog make over.  My sister's sister-in-law Dani (not sure what that makes Dani to me?  Sister-in-law-in-law?  Dani and I also went to high school together but she was a grade or two ahead of me and therefore much cooler, so she's really more than just a sister-in-law-in-law.  With a parenthetical statement this long, I should probably just start the sentence over.)  Dani gave me a blog make over and I love what she did, with the one exception of my face greeting you at the top.  I sent her another picture to incorporate (not of me), but she's a busy lady and her daughter just got baptized yesterday, so in the mean time, you'll have to put up with my face.  Who knows, by the time you read this, the picture might already be changed and you'll be sad you didn't get to see me.

Anyway, on to the real purpose of this post.  My mission president's daughter and her family live here in Portland, and so he and his wife were here to visit and took me and a few of their other former missionaries to breakfast.  My mission president recently joined Facebook and has discovered what a great tool it is to keep in touch with people, particularly all his former missionaries.  I mentioned something about the picture he posted on Facebook of him with his Czechoslovakian eagle on his arm (that's another story, as you might imagine.)  That's when he told me that he can't figure out my posts.  He said he couldn't tell what was going on with me by what I posted and asked if that was by design.  I couldn't really figure out what he was talking about until I went home and looked at some of my recent posts that I share with you below.

Some of them are pretty straight forward, like "Several bizarre dreams last night.  One of them being that I woke up with a perm," or "Just ran 6 miles."  I also posted that "Some people take their ipads with them grocery shopping."  I was grocery shopping and saw a man and a wife shopping with their ipad.  I thought it was kind of funny.

Then it gets kind of weird.  Like when I posted this:

I also posted this image by the owner of this fantastic blog.

The next thing needs a lot of explanation and maybe that means that I just shouldn't have posted it on Facebook.  My friend Krisanne does this thing where if she doesn't like something or someone, she'll say that the thing or person gives her herpes.  Like once we were talking about Glenn Beck and she said that Glenn Beck gives her herpes (but not literally, of course, Krisanne is a classy lady).  Anyway, I can't remember what we were talking about, but Krisanne said that it gave her herpes and I responded by saying that herpes gives me herpes.  (I can't wait to see what herpes google searches lead people to this post.  They will probably not find the information they are looking for.)  Krisanne replied that herpes giving me herpes sounds like a herpes paradox.  The other thing that I think we have joked about is writing a book together, so when Krisanne said herpes paradox, I said that's it!  That's our book!  So I posted on Facebook, "The Herpes Paradox by Krisanne and Jon will be hitting bookstores soon.  Look for it."  So yeah, no one steal that idea.  You won't do the book the justice it deserves.

Then there was the Jon Hamm post.  I said, "Damn you, Jon Hamm.  Now whenever I hear a saxophone, I can't help but think of this..."

Don't worry though.  Sometimes I post serious stuff.  Like the trailer to this fantastic movie I saw on Saturday night.


  1. Oh.... Hi freakishly big picture of Jons face!!!
    That first video is soooooo freakin hilarious!

  2. Easy there. No need to use any variation of the word freakish when talking about my picture.

  3. The blog make-over is really nice!

  4. That woman and her body rolls give me herpes.

  5. For the record I like your face. This is your blog, about you, it should be your face. Also if you ever move, what do we do then? AND I don't mind being listed as your friend. Maybe we aren't there yet, and I need to be your SILIL until we have a DTR discussion. Furthermore, the body rolls lady gives me nightmares. ummm. ok. Off the record.

  6. Thank you Kiley!

    Dani, I think we can consider this our DTR and henceforth refer to each other as friends. It's official. Besides, we've already made it official on FB and everybody knows that FB makes it real.

  7. Nice post Jon. The blog makeover is very cool. I might take your lead and do some work on the look of my own.

  8. jon!! our blogs are photo twins now!

  9. I LOVED the picture of your face... I wish you'd put it back. (Maybe it's just because I miss you!)

  10. I'm a newcomer to your blog. I concur with JG-W... though I can't miss you b/c I haven't met you. Great playlist though. Those are great tunes.

  11. I might need Dani to redo mine. Can she? My photo one that is.

    This is hilarious. Wow. WHO DOESN'T UNDERSTAND the JON HAMM Effect? My father often shakes his head at me when I go home for a visit. Luckily my mom doesn't know how to use FB.

  12. By the way, is the new picture from GOONIES?

  13. She might. I'll ask her and get you two connected. She may charge a small fee, I'm not sure.

    The picture is of the Haystack rock on the Oregon coast, which *is* where Goonies was filmed, but I think it was filmed further north in Astoria.

  14. this guy is the REAL deal
