Monday, July 25, 2011

nuclear fallout? meh...

If I am ripped from my sleep in the middle of the night, I tend to immediately assume the worst.  There was the time that my doorbell rang at like 1:00 AM and I looked through my peep hole and saw a box on the doorstep.  I was afraid to open it because I was convinced it was a bomb and someone was trying to kill me.  It turned out to be a box full of presents and candy from someone at church trying to be nice.  Next time, maybe try leaving the present and ringing my doorbell during waking hours. 

Last night my sleep was cut abruptly short by the loudest and longest clap of thunder I've ever heard.  It was so long and loud (and we hardly ever get thunderstorms in the northwest) that I was convinced that something had exploded.  I looked out all my windows trying to find the flames that would inevitably be lighting up the night sky.  I saw nothing, so I decided put on some clothes and go outside to find out what blew up. 

Before I made it back to my bedroom to dress myself, I heard falling rain.  I concluded that I had only heard thunder and crawled back in bed and listened to the falling rain through my open bedroom window as I tried to go back to sleep. 

That lasted for about a minute and then it occurred to me that I had looked at the weather before going to bed and there was nothing but sunshine in the forecast.  That's when it became abundantly clear that I wasn't hearing rain.  The only logical explanation was that a nuclear bomb had exploded nearby and I was hearing fallout from the explosion raining down.  The thought occurred to me that I should get up and shut my bedroom window to protect myself from the fallout, but I fell asleep before I got around to doing it.


  1. From bomb to nuclear fall out.... Over-reaction much.

  2. I THOUGHT THE SAME THING!! about the thunder, because i didnt know about the candy.

  3. The only comparable story I have is the night one of our cats knocked over the Christmas tree by scrambling up to the top, I assume to get the pretty, pretty baubles.

    Anyway, the tree fell over, ironically destroying a kitty toy. The cracking sound of the kitty toy breaking set off our burglar alarm.

    So we woke to the shrieking sound of the burglar alarm going off. Göran, assuming someone had broken into the house, grabbed an aluminum baseball bat out of the closet, and ran down the stairs naked to stop the would-be intruder.

    The actual culprits (the cats) had by then made themselves rather scarce.

  4. I am so glad I'm not the only one with an overactive and drastic imagination. :)
