Tuesday, September 6, 2011

the point of power

I'm friends with Eckhart Tolle on Facebook.  Well, maybe I just "liked" him.  Either way, he addresses me as friend in this post from today, so I'm saying we're friends.  Anyway, this is what he had to say today:

Dear Friends,
Philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre said: "Freedom is what you do with what's been done to you".  In other words: freedom consists in finding the point of power, which is always in the present moment.  It also means: how you respond to what happens is more important than what happens.
With love

Or as I've said before on here, content doesn't matter, it's how we hold it that does. 

Have you ever made flirty eyes at a complete stranger?  I think you should try it.  I just got back from lunch in the mall and I crossed paths with a cute black man who smiled at me and I smiled back.  We both did the over-the-shoulder glance back after crossing paths and smiled again.  He went down the stairs and was walking a floor below me, but could still see me one level up and the flirty eyes continued.  It might be the perfect way to ease back into a work week after a three day weekend.


  1. Oh oh oh. I love those flirtaliscious moments!

  2. thats been my new lately, doing with what i'm given. its like taking charge of the universe. its not like you have to control everything, but its taking charge of yourself and being at peace with what comes after that. yay!

  3. Damn... post-stair flirty eyes?! GET IT.

    haha i could never do that because I would definitely do the glance just as i began descending down the stairs and trip down a few steps. If they didn't come to help me, i would just walk away embarrassed. BUT what flirty guy wouldn't take the opportunity to help the subject of their eyeballs affection.

    in other news i almost moved to portland with a guy, before deciding that was horrifically risky even for me. and that if i got abandoned i would probably just end up becoming a bum.

    and if i didn't get abandoned i would probably end up becoming a bum anyways. it would be like winning the lottery if my dream was to become a hobo.

  4. I met a whole world of previously unknown gay BYU after a flirty eye, second glance kind of thing. Sometimes a follow-up is in order!

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