Wednesday, April 28, 2010


The heart is our garden, and along with each action there is an intention that is planted like a seed. We can use a sharp knife to cut someone, and if our intention is to do harm, we will be a murderer. We can perform an almost identical action, but if we are a surgeon, the intention is to heal and save a life. The action is the same, yet depending on its purpose or intention, it can be either a terrible act or a compassionate act.

-Jack Kornfield

I think there's a strong relationship between intention and karma. Karma is kind of a mysterious thing because we aren't always fully conscious of our intentions. We don't understand why bad things seem to always happen to us because we don't always understand our own intentions. That and sometimes bad things just happen.


1 comment:

  1. Speaking of "good" karma, which is also referred to as things like "fate," "blessings," and "answers to prayers," I have long thought that the power behind prayer is largely simply that it helps you to clarify and focus your intentions and bring them into your conscious mind. Then you start consciously (and unconsciously) looking for an answer to your prayer/intention, which makes answers and opportunities easier to recognize and grasp onto, whether or not there was truly divine intervention there. Not that there isn't sometimes divine intervention as well, but there is so much power in just focusing your mind to receive and recognize blessings/karma/answers/options.
