Friday, March 4, 2011

the flower of consciousness

A while back I did this post of Eckhart Tolle quotes.  The other day, David sent me a link to an Eckhart video on YouTube and I've been watching some of the other videos of Tolle that are available there.  I can't remember which video it was now, but in one of them he says something like a failed story is the flower of consciousness.  I think we too often get wrapped up in not failing or in doing what we think is expected of us.  If something happens to us that we would categorize as a failure, the temptation is to view it as something negative instead of something that can lead us to greater consciousness.

Some might view being gay as a failure or not being able to successfully become straight a failure.  I was certainly in that camp at one point in my life.  It feels so much better though, to extract myself from that narrative, to not feel like I need to be identified by it or classify it as a struggle but to let it be and to listen to it and see what greater self awareness it can bring about who I am and who I can be.

Like I said, I can't remember which video had the flower of consciousness quote, so here's another video I like that kind of explores the same thing: not getting wrapped up in the content or the drama in our lives or letting it define who we are, but to extract ourselves from it in order to achieve a higher level of consciousness.

Also, I've been going to a personal trainer.  He does Cirque du Soleil style hand balancing.  Here's a video of him:

He hasn't taught me how to do any of that yet, but I'm sure it's only a matter of time.  When he does, I'll be happy to perform at your birthday parties, work functions and bar mitvah's.


  1. is your trainers name Keph?! Good thing that my birthday isn't until November - you've got plenty of time to learn and practice!

  2. Funny. That is his name, but he's male and he's not your sister-in-law. I never made the connection that they have the same name.

  3. That was supremely mind-opening. Thanks for sharing Jon

  4. Eckhart teaches us to enjoy the dance of forms. And then you give us a dance of forms to enjoy. Perfect.

    P.S. I hope you dance.

  5. I want one of him. Two, if they're in stock.

  6. oh hey a guy i know from my birthday weekend, does cirque du soleil.

    know in the biblical sense! jk. or am i!?

    You do the acrobatics and i'll do chinese yo-yo. We will have a cirque du soleil:mormonia.

  7. Jon.... I think we all know why you wanted him as your trainer... Also... How long did you have to creep on youtube to find videos of your stalkee?


  8. Not very long, as he sent me the link. :)
