Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thoughts on Winter and Sarah Palin

Last night at choir rehearsal, I was supposed to give a thought based on the text of one of the songs we are singing. We were running short on time, though, so I didn’t get to give it. So I’m giving it to you guys. The song is ‘Tis Winter Now and the text is by Samuel Longfellow, younger brother of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. I can’t remember who arranged it and I don’t have my music on me. Maybe one of my choir peeps can chime in. Anyway, here are the words:

‘Tis winter now; the fallen snow
Has left the heav’ns all coldly clear;
Through leafless boughs the sharp winds blow,
And all the earth lies dead and drear.

And yet God’s love is not withdrawn;
His life within the keen air breathes;
His beauty paints the crimson dawn,
And clothes the boughs with glittering wreaths.

And though abroad the sharp winds blow,
And skies are chill, and frosts are keen,
Home closer draws her circle now,
And warmer glows her light within.

O God! Who giv’st the winter’s cold
As well as summer’s joyous rays,
Us warmly in Thy love enfold,
And keep us through life’s wintry days.

What I love about this song is that it isn’t all lollipops and mistletoe. Not that I don’t love lollipops and mistletoe, but I love art and music and movies and literature that present a scene or situation that is bleak and dreary and then show the hope or beauty that exists in the scene or situation or the beauty that can result. I think sometimes we look at life as either good or bad. If things are going well for us, life is good. If there are cold, sharp winds then life is bad. I love the first line of the second stanza after the first stanza sets up a scene of cold barrenness. And yet God’s love is not withdrawn.

Musically, there is a lot of oooing that sounds like cold and bitter winds, but then there are also sections of really beautifully rich and warm chords. I love it when I’m able to figure out how to let the two coexist in my own life and see the beauty that can exist in unexpected places.

On a completely unrelated note, has anyone else been watching Andrea Mitchell report on Sarah Palin’s book tour? Hilarious. All through her reports she seems like she is on the verge of cracking up. This morning they had a clip of her interviewing Sarah in a crowd. It’s very subtle, but when it went back to Andrea to do the wrap up, her eyes were just slightly wider and lips pursed a tiny bit more and you could almost see the words “Can you believe this lady?” scrolling across her eyeballs.

I don’t get what the fascination is with her. Help me understand. To be clear, I don’t think she’s a horrible person. If we were neighbors and our kids played hockey together, I’d totally chat her up at the games. I’d invite Todd over to watch the superbowl and share a six pack. Oh never mind, I don’t drink beer or watch baseball. I’m not a hockey mom either. Yet. I’m sure I could exchange pleasantries over the fence though.


  1. HAHAH Jon... The superbowl is football not baseball hahah..

    I got back and forth on Sarah Palin, sometimes I want her to run for Pres, and sometimes I want her to hide.

  2. I want Sarah Palin to run for president but for the entertainment value of a potential train wreck.

    For the record, I do know the difference between football and baseball. I'm just playing into the stereotype:)

  3. the best thing i have ever seen in relation to sarah palin, is william shatner reading her speaches as poetry. seriously, google that right now. its fantastic.

    also, longfellow is so amazing, he creates this tone with his words that is like actual human emotions that all of us feeel but struggle to express. hes almost as cool as william shatner reading palin ;)

  4. Ariel- saw it, loved it, watching it again now.

  5. Romney/Palin ticket is sure to win!
