Friday, June 19, 2009

On Coming Out Organically

There are now about a half dozen people who I have told about my blog. This morning I realized that I am coming out with my blog in much the same way I’ve been going through the process of coming out about being gay (or whatever language you prefer). Doing it wholesale seems weird. I’m finding I prefer a much more gradual, organic approach. One by one. As it comes up in conversation. Sending out a mass email declaring, “Look at me!!” isn’t really my style. Just like making some grand, wholesale declaration of homosexuality isn’t either. And even then, it’s not like you can make the grand declaration and be done. You will continue to meet people who won’t know. I wonder if that’s part of the reason that some people seem to become gayer after coming out, so as to avoid having to keep telling people. Just let them know right up front with a full on gay assault.

Anyway, as I was saying, I much prefer a more organic approach. I tell friends as it comes up in conversation. There have been some friends that I’ve gone out of my way to tell, but those were friends who I wanted to hear the news from me. (That sentence structure seems weird, but I’m not sure how to word it.) I do it this way because it feels honest to me. I’m not trying to hide anything, but I also feel like its just one part of me and not the first thing people need to know about me. Plus, I like to let people get to know and like me and THEN tell them. Then they are trapped. They already know that they like me, so it’s not like they can just write me off as a crazy homosexual. They have to do some reconciling in their heads. That might sound a little bit manipulative, but I don’t think it is. It’s honest for me. As I said, it’s not the first thing people need to know about me, but if it comes up, I’ll toss it out there for them to chew on. Like delicious dried organic mangos. Mmmmm.


  1. lol. Well, I for one was definitely trapped. Now I HAVE to like you anyway. Very sneaky, you. :)

  2. Muwahahahahah!! It's working then, the world will soon be mine!!!

  3. sorry i'm commenting on like all your posts, i promise i'm not stalking you.

    i like your approach. i can never figure out how to approach big news, so i just do awkward things. but letting it just kind of happen in the natural course of your interactions with people makes sense.

    i heard a while back that you were gay, and then i wasn't sure if it was a secret. it seems like the kind of thing you're not wanting to broadcast, but aren't hiding, and i just want to be respectful or your personal information, because we're friends :)

  4. Ariel, I've filed for a restraining order. I definitely wouldn't call it a secret. I don't care who knows. I just don't feel like I need to make a grand announcement. Kind of like when Michael Scott declares bankruptcy on The Office. "I DECLARE HOMOSEXUALITY!!"

  5. oooops, sorry i found your blog before you ever told me about it. but ive known you were gay since we very first met ;-) luv ya

    ps if you want to read my blog for 'revenge' send me an email address! lol
