Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Look. If we are going to be friends, there are a few things that you are going to have to watch. You also have to like these things; otherwise, I'm not so sure it's going to work out between us. Take a look at these videos and let me know if you're willing to make this work...

I realize you have all probably already seen this one, but it's definitely worth a second look because it has a lot of my favorite people in it (well, except for Kate Gosselin, but she went up a notch for me after this video). If you've seen it already and want to skip past this one, I'm willing to meet you half way and still be friends.

You may have already seen the last video, but maybe you haven't seen this one...

I saw this next one on Facebook when I got home from work today and it just made me happy. If you want to make me happy, you'll like it too.

That's all. Let me know if this is going to work between us.


  1. AW...I wish this would help me to love Jimmy Fallon, but I would dash his head against a sharp rock given half a chance.

  2. Just an update. You don't have to like Jamie Lee Curtis thrusting at you in her leotard, so don't worry about that. Also, Jimmy Fallon is negotiable.

  3. white nights. Hines and Baryshnikov. I'm so in love.

  4. I blush. I giggle.

    There's a connection here.

  5. I loved all three and the last one especially! So, ah, now what? ;-)

  6. I didn't know what dtr meant. Thanks to urban dictionary I do!

    Hahaha funny though that you said you don't have to like jamie lee curtis thrustin in her leotard... because THAT IS MY FAVORITE PART.

  7. I wish Tim Gunn was my dad & I love John Hamm, more after that preformance.

  8. Have you seen the Taylor Swift gay music video of "You Belong with Me"? I think it's absolutely adorable and think you'd probably like it too judging from your other videos ;) Enjoy
