Monday, April 26, 2010


I'm home. I left Hong Kong Sunday morning. Tara took this picture on the train the night before I left. We thought this couple was funny. And comfy. Sometimes on the train you are just tired. Also notice the man's Gucci bag in his lap. I love that Chinese men appreciate a nice man bag.
I rode the bus to the HK airport and that was fun. There was a rack for luggage on the bus and there was also a place for those in wheelchairs. I was one of the first on the bus and everyone after me thought that the wheelchair space was for their luggage and everyone put their bags there. Fortunately no one in a wheelchair got on the bus. If I was in a wheelchair, I would have been pissed. The other problem was that the wheelchair space wasn't built to contain luggage and so all the bags slid out into walkway and soon it was littered with suitcases. The best part is that no one did anything about it.
Also on that bus a man sat next to me and he was eating what looked like a powerbar, but it was kind of floppy and about as big as his forearm. When he chewed it, he made that grody noise of someone chewing loudly on a banana. It was disgusting.
The plane ride home was much better. The plane ride there was long because I sat next to a lady with a very restless babychild (Not quite a child but more than a baby. I guess they call that a toddler) Anyway, I also had a window seat and anytime I got up to use the bathroom, the lady next to me wouldn't move at all. So to get out, I basically had to straddle her and give her a lap dance. She didn't even tip me. Whatever. One the plane home, I had an aisle seat AND the seat next to me was empty. I didn't even mind when my movies stopped working half way through the flight. Although I was a little upset when they ran out of omelets for breakfast and I had to have rice porridge instead. It wasn't even like sweet rice. It was like chunky papier-mache paste. (I hope you read that with a French accent.)
Anyway, the last couple of days there we had fantastic weather. Tara and Owen and I went for dim sum and that was delicious. We also hit up H&M. I had never been before and fell in love. Fortunately, I learned Portland is getting an H&M in June. In the meantime, I will be getting over jet lag.


  1. Welcome back Jon!!! Get some rest. Can't wait for more stories and pictures!

  2. As I read that I could tell you were writing with jet lag. :) Man its a beast. G asked for you again this sad.

  3. ha ha...its still signed into your account on my computer.

  4. HEY! you skipped TN on your way home - WTH?

  5. SCREW YOU NANCY! If you need me, I'll be in the corner, power-pouting.

  6. I have enjoyed HK vicariously. I love that when I see pictures of you mid chuckle, I can hear your laugh. Almost gagged on your description of that guy's snack. It reminds me of a book I read about slugs.. "Roast em toast em, stew em, chew em" and it had a picture of a man eating a slug. I will see if I can find it. And yes, it was a children's book... Explains a lot about me, doesn't it?

  7. I loathe the sounds of people eating and chewing. I dont know why, but it is gross to me to hear someone chew loudly and then hear *gulp*. haha
