Friday, April 2, 2010

Lubricant POW!

It’s been a while since I’ve done a cell phone POW! If you are new, POW is short for Pic of the Week and it’s where you take a picture of something funny you see with your cell phone and send it to me and I post it on here. In the past, there has been the Wiener POW! and the Chucky POW! and Goat with a bag on its head POW! and many many others, including the dirty BYU poster POW! So if you see something ridiculous, take a picture of it and send it to me. It’s fun.

So this picture was snapped by Christina’s sister-in-law Amber at the grocery store. Apparently, the person in line in front of her was in need of some personal lubricant. Lots of it. I wonder if this woman had to buy all of that on a dare. Who honestly needs that much lubricant? Discuss.


  1. I think my sis-in-law's POW is too risque for this blog, Jon. The lack of comments seems to suggest that your readers are uncomfortable with the topic of personal lubricant...?

  2. obviously shes going to be reenacting the ky jelly wrestling scene from the movie old school.

  3. Yes. I'm sure they are all very uncomfortable with the topic of personal lubricant, aren't you, readers? Well, except for you, birthMOM. :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Ew. I grossed myself out with my previous comment. Revision:

    She's a very attentive elephant breeder.

  6. Fortunately for me, I got to see your original post, O-mo. You disgust me. :)

  7. I was showing this picture to some coworkers and we noticed that the brand of the lubricant appears to be "Up & UP". I promise I'm getting important stuff done today.

  8. I wonder how she was able to snap that photo without being too conspicuous. Some talent there for sure.

  9. maybe she works at some sort of health center and they were out so she had to go get some more. in bulk. you can never have enough at a health center.

  10. Haha theres is NO reason you would need that much lube. Unless you worked at a zoo and the elephants needed a little extra help.

  11. Why doesn't Costco just sale a family size?

  12. Clearly, this just some diligent person buying items for their 72-hour kit. I calculated 5.142 bottles per hour, which seems about right since there's not really that much to do if you're waiting around for the emergency to end so you can return home--presumably to that family-size bottle Jarrett suggested Costco should carry.

    I especially like the dribbles on the front of the box. Very nice touch. They really should put it in spill-free bottles!

  13. I finally figured it out, they must need it for their rectal thermometers, now it makes so much sense cause I think you need a whole box just for one temperature reading!
