Friday, January 14, 2011

Chocolat and the Shadow

I think we can't go around measuring our goodness by what we don't do - by what we deny ourselves, what we resist and who we exclude. I think we've got to measure goodness by what we embrace, what we create and who we include.
-Pere Henri in Chocolat
Not that there aren't things that we are better off not engaging in or engaging in moderation, but I think there's something to be said for defining goodness by who we are and what we create and who we include as opposed to what we refrain from doing and who we don't interact with. Looking at it that way opens up new pathways and new ways of being that might have previously been left unexplored. If we focus on what we don't do, we run the risk of pushing those desires that are a natural part of us into our shadow, only to see them rear their heads in unexpected and almost uncontrollable ways.
(Cue the scene from Chocolat when the mayor who vehemently opposed the chocolate shop, breaks into the shop and at first starts trying to destroy the chocolate sculptures in the display window but then accidentally gets a small taste and ends up stuffing himself with the chocolate and passes out until the next morning when he is found with chocolate all over his face.)


  1. I would have to agree with that. I was having a discussion with someone about this just the other day. I think rather than asceticism we grow by what we do and what we experience. Otherwise its not really something you are experiencing by holding yourself back; you're just existing.

  2. I got all excited when I read your title. I grew up watching The Shadow. It was the awesomest movie ever.

    . . . but what you posted about is cool too.

  3. wait, what are you reeeeeally talking about here?

  4. What do you mean what am I reeeeeeeally talking about?

  5. i concur. i've been thinking alot about this lately. like how we tend to define ourselves by what we arent, but that just doesnt make sence. why not define ourselves by what we are. or even, what we want to be. move out of the negative, and into the positive.

  6. just being the voice of sarcasm (aka the shadow behind which i obviously hide).

  7. I posted a quote on FB a while back about this, in relation to The Church. We most definitely shouldn't be defined, by ourselves or others, by what we don't take part in. It is too easy to compartmentalize people into neat little segments by what they refrain from. But we aren't neat. And we aren't a conglomeration of bodies easily defined by one or two or three commonalities. While it may serve a purpose for a time, we shouldn't stay in that compartment for long or we start to doubt our precious individuality and rebel against whatever it is that is keeping us in place, which is a false idea to begin with.
    I'm totally rambling.
