Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I have never...

FHE last night was fairly entertaining. We played the game, I Have Never. If you’ve never played it, everyone sits in chairs in a circle with one person in the middle who says something he has never done. If it is something you have done, then you have to get out of your chair and find another chair to sit in and the person left without a chair is “it”.

The fun/devious part of the game is revealing secrets about others. Once when I played at BYU, the person in the middle said something like, “I have never made out for three hours in the back of a pickup truck at Squaw Peak.” His roommate sheepishly got up out of his chair.

Last night, Courtney thought it would be funny if she got in the middle to say she has never kissed anyone in the room. I got in the middle before she did and I looked at her to see if I could use her idea and she gave me the nod, so I said it. As soon as it came out of my mouth, in all the confusion of people getting out of their chairs to find another one, I heard someone shout, “LIAR!!” It turns out, I had forgotten all about the incident at the ward campout when we played kissing rugby and I pinned a girl in the ward to the ground and forced myself on her.

Another funny moment was when someone said he had never kissed a man. I got up, thinking it would cause a stir, but then something like 6 other guys stood up. Totally took the wind out of my sails. I guess some people kiss their dads.


  1. i have never played i have never! might be a good one for this year's christmas party (i have never been run over by kinky zinky?)...

  2. yeah, i was expecting you to be the only guy up too, but i think greg caused more of a stir. he got up on wearing a leotard, kissing a guy, kissing people in the room, having periced ears, and having been engaged. he stole all our thunder.

    we used to play the game in high school, but we called it purity.

  3. I have never and will NEVER play that game at church.

  4. HAHAHAHA... Awkward, glad you had the guts... I wimped out, and then changed my mind.

  5. Now I regret not going to FHE. Stupid early morning work schedule.
