I was beginning to think I was over my jetlag, but then I was wide awake at 4 am this morning.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Grody. To the Max.
I was beginning to think I was over my jetlag, but then I was wide awake at 4 am this morning.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
-Jack Kornfield
I think there's a strong relationship between intention and karma. Karma is kind of a mysterious thing because we aren't always fully conscious of our intentions. We don't understand why bad things seem to always happen to us because we don't always understand our own intentions. That and sometimes bad things just happen.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Now I Become Myself
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Pictures from HK
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Some things I love
Friday, April 16, 2010
And the plot thickens
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
10,000 Buddhas and 12 angry monkeys
Yesterday was fairly action packed. I took a ton of pictures, but sadly didn't bring my cord to upload my pictures to Tara's laptop and she doesn't have any cords that are compatible with my camera. Frown face. She knows someone who has the same camera that I do though, so we may try to borrow that from her.
So yesterday Tara and G and I went to the 10,000 Buddhas monastery. The good news here is that Tara already has some pictures from there, so just pretend I took these pictures. Anyway, you hike up this really steep paved trail to get to the top and I pushed G in his stroller and there are times where the trail slopes by at least a 60 degree angle. G is not a small child. I got a workout.
The trail is lined with life size golden buddha statues and each one is different. At the top is the monastery and a building that is lined with tiny buddhas from floor to ceiling. Oh, and lots of burning incense. Here's a little bit of what's at the top.

And here's a view of the city from the top:

And here was the most harrowing part of the trip:

Monday, April 12, 2010
Ni Hao
Monday, April 5, 2010
Resonance and Rhythm
As I was talking to Lizzy about what it did for her and all her new ideas and plans she has, I was reminded of a quote that I got earlier that day from David. The quote is by James Hollis, an author and Jungian analyst in Houston, Texas. Here it is:
The act of consciousness is central; otherwise, we are overrun by the complexes. The hero in each of us is required to answer the call of individuation. We must turn away from the cacophony of the outerworld to hear the inner voice. When we can dare to live its promptings, then we achieve personhood. We may become strangers to those who thought they knew us, but at least we are no longer strangers to ourselves.
I think fear often gets in the way of listening to and following that inner voice. We get set in roles that are comfortable to us and that people come to expect of us, and we let that dictate how we live our lives instead of shutting out all the voices and just listening to and following that inner voice. It’s amazing what happens when you shed the complexes and roles and expectations of others. You start living according to what you actually believe and according to who you actually are and everything you do starts to have more resonance and rhythm. Try it.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Lubricant POW!

So this picture was snapped by Christina’s sister-in-law Amber at the grocery store. Apparently, the person in line in front of her was in need of some personal lubricant. Lots of it. I wonder if this woman had to buy all of that on a dare. Who honestly needs that much lubricant? Discuss.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
More very important items of business

Two. Will you please notice how nice the picture is that I took with my Droid? I don't know if it's just that spring is in the air or what, but I'm still deeply in love. I downloaded a zen meditation timer app. Did I tell you I also downloaded an app to help me learn some basic phrases in Chinese? So far I’ve mastered “wua hur pee jeuw” (phonetic), which means, “I drink beer.” I have a feeling that phrase is going to come in handy.
Three. The Merriam-Webster word of the day on Saturday was esemplastic: shaping or having the power to shape disparate things into a unified whole. The example sentence is so fantastic:
"The prison walls of self had closed entirely round him; he was walled completely by the esemplastic power of his imagination — he had learned by now to project mechanically, before the world, an acceptable counterfeit of himself…." (Thomas Wolfe, Look Homeward, Angel)
Four. I love My Religious Blog and I love the most recent post.
Five. Happy Birthday MNJ!!