Sunday, July 4, 2010

I Can't Do It, Coach

I've already posted Eric's Secret Prayer and Joe Learns to Keep His Body Clean. The third moving filmstrip in this series is called I Can't Do It, Coach. Be patient with this one. It starts with a long and bizarre dream sequence, but if you stick with it, you get the payoff of watching Creed's creepy coach interrupt the dream sequence by coming into his bedroom?/dormroom? to try and get him to drink some wine so he'll sleep better that night before the track meet. What? There are like fifteen hundred jokes you can insert here. I'll let you go ahead and do that. The moral of the story though, is that one glass of wine can make a whole lot of people really sick. Enjoy. Just a warning though, there are a lot of farmer tans and pasty white, hairy legs in short shorts in this one.

The end is kind of confusing. Apparently, it wasn't enough to have Creed win one race; in a surprise twist he has to run another race right after the first and he wins that one too. There's no dialogue or narration at the end, but you know Creed's coach learned his lesson. And probably got baptized the next day at church.

I've added some links over to the right to the Moho Directory and the Moho Map. The Moho Directory is a listing of other moho blogs and there are quite a few. Horizon/GMB recently put together the map that shows where moho bloggers live (not exactly though, so you can't stalk) as well as some basic information about each blogger (but not enough for you to steal their identities.) The moho map has instructions for how to get yourself on the map. I think it's a fantastic resource.

Also, I think this is cool. Happy 4th!


  1. Bravo, bravo. This soundtrack would be a dream come true for my mp3. And I laughed out loud when his greasy coach came sauntering in with the cranberry juice.

  2. Fabulous!!! Loved the coach in the iridescent red members only jacket, and the wine totally looks like Cranberry juice. I don't think it could even pass as a rose wine. Did anyone notice runner 187 who looks like he is repeating high school for the third time? And yes, creepy, greasy, loan sharkish coach gives me the willies.

    If we have learned anything from this, it is that one glass of wine will give you the stomach flu and short term muscle paralysis.

  3. Before even looking at this post, just the title was enough for me to get all excited for another Mormon cinema treat. It just sounded like a seminary video...

    And seriously, how much "cranberry juice" did the writers have before scripting this jewel?? I don't think I've ever seen a seminary video that made so little sense! I really do like the second race at the end, like they accidentally ended early and had to fill more air time. Amazing.

  4. When I was a kid we had a series of those "turn the page when you hear the beep" books that told stories from the Bible, the Book of Mormon and church history. One of the books was "The Creed Haymond Story." So this video brought back memories. Who knew that wine was considered by some track coaches to be a performance enhancing drug in 1919!

    I'd venture a guess that this coach was actually trying to make the moves on the track team members, but back in days when this happened, it was too scandalous to talk about that. So, it became a story about the WoW. And, it was around this time that the church began to push hard-line enforcement of the WoW, in no small part related to Prohibition and its repeal. So the WoW was a hot topic.

    Keep the cheesy church videos coming!
