Monday, October 12, 2009

Fashion Shows and Football Games

I had a fairly well rounded weekend. Last week was fashion week in Portland and so Friday night I went to my first fashion show with five classy ladies. It was fun, mostly because it was something new and different. The venue was pretty cool too, it was held in some large warehouse in a shipyard.

I’m pretty sure, however, the organizers of the show didn’t have anyone on their team that had any kind of operations experience. They were supposed to start seating at 8:00, but because they messed up the seating they had to rearrange stuff and didn’t start seating until probably around 8:45. They didn’t really announce that either. There were a bunch of us waiting to get in and the only way to know what was going on was to go to the front of the line near the door and ask the intimidating bouncer guy with a plethora of piercings. Anyway, there were many other things that weren’t very well planned out like turning in your ticket to get another ticket and only having one lady at the desk to handle all of the exchanging of one ticket for another ticket.

We all bought general admission standing tickets in the back but just before the show started there were a few chairs on the second row that were open, so the usher gave a few of us those seats. In the picture above, we are probably just barely out of the shot. Some of the models kind of creeped me out by their extreme lankiness and wide set eyes. One of the girls I swear was not human. Most of the show was women’s fashion. Sadly, there were only about three male models in the entire show. I would have liked to have seen more men’s fashion. Seeing more male models wouldn’t have been all that bad either.

Afterwards, we went out for a late dinner at Andina for some Peruvian food. I wish I could upload some of the food for you to download and sample. Delicious. I had Mahi-Mahi and this amazing asparagus quinoa fried rice. I was surprised with every bite at how delicious it still was.

Saturday night we had an Elder’s Quorum activity and we watched football and ate BBQ’d hamburgers. I am certainly no fan of football. The last time I sat through that much football was probably when I was at BYU and worked in the president’s box during the football games. The irony that I had such fantastic seats to every home game was not lost on my roommates. Suckas!! In spite of not liking football, the activity was fun. There was good conversation and I have some really great friends in the quorum. It was nice to just hang out.

Sidenote: the jacket I wore on Friday is in serious need of a washing. After Lebanese food for lunch, Peruvian food for dinner and a bonfire on Saturday after football, it is full of all sorts of pungent odors.


  1. From fashion shows to football games...there you go wrestling contraries again, Jon. No wonder you manifest so many truths. (And I'm sure you're weary of me noting points of resonance with you, but I have to say that I am a partner in a Peruvian restaurant in Utah, so I noted with great interest that you dined in one over the weekend. You never cease to amaze me.)

  2. i always wanted to go to fashion week, how does that happen? it seems like a magical occurence that you just sort of end up at, like in a movie.

  3. Wow that model is even better looking than I remembered from Friday night. I wonder if we could ever create something half so delicious as Andina's asparagus quinoa fried rice. We should definitely try.

    A couple more things. I hope you have washed that jacket. And, I hope anonymous isn't commenting on your posts from a dark car across the street from your house. Just saying.

  4. Ouch. Thanks for invoking the specter of a creepy stalker, Miss Kay.

    I'm new to the blog world and probably comment with a less guarded sense of cool disconnectedness as is probably fashionable in this community. But a comment like that is enough to scare me away for good.

    I will say that it was very cool getting to know you, Jon, through your very excellent blog. Your post on wrestling contraries really did make my day and will be something I'll remember with a smile.

    I'll leave you with your regularly scheduled cast of characters with the parting counsel to keep wrestling and writing and manifesting your truth.

  5. Sounds like a pretty stellar weekend! I do wanna borrow the dvd in your previous post!

  6. Oh, don't let Courtney scare you away. Let me know when you start a blog, I'd love to read what great things you have to say.

  7. Alright, I'm sorry Mr. Anonymous. That was kind of bitchy, especially for someone not used to my sense of humor. We all read the blogs of people we don't know-- it's fun. Most people are less prone to comment, but maybe we should comment and give our fav bloggers the feedback they deserve.

  8. Thanks for the kind words of reassurance Jon and Courtney.

    Actually when I first read Courtney's comment I was going to say, "I resemble that remark!" :)

    Actually in real life I neither resemble, nor resent, the comment or its implications. I fully understand what brought it forth and even think it was pretty cute and funny. Jon, your people have your back. That's a good thing to know about one's people.

    I kind of burst forth here from out of nowhere commenting a little too frequently with a little too much enthusiasm. That's bound to raise people's eyebrows. Who is this guy and why does he keep talking about "points of resonance" with Jon? Weird.

    But I promise I'm not that weird in real life. I was just a little struck by finding a blog that resonated so much with what I think and like. I'm getting over it, though, and should be a much more moderate and less invasive voice from here on out. I'll fit more elegantly into the chorus.

    But I won't go completely. And though I've never had any interest or desire to start a blog, your comment, Jon, has at least planted the idea in my mind. I'm seeing in a new way how good it might be to have a platform from which to share thoughts and ideas. So I'll think about it. If it comes to pass, you'll be among the very first to know. And maybe then, finally, I can cease to be Mr. Anonymous and know and be known for who I really am.

    It's always a little creepy to be anonymous. It's a burden I'll have to carry a little longer.

  9. I'd have probably wanted to go to the fasion show or just barrow that DVD from you. The food afterwords seems cool. I'd probably opt out of the football. LOL!
