Friday, March 5, 2010

Elevator POW!

Quinn sent me this picture a while ago and I forgot I had it. I wonder how many panicked people pushed the emergency button in that elevator thinking they were trapped before that sign went up. Fun to think about.

I’m sick yet again. Fortunately not with strep this time. I’m just coughing and my voice is all deep and sexy. One thing that is fun about having sickness affect your voice is when it changes dramatically and unexpectedly. Last night I was talking to Christina and it was a fairly serious conversation. Without warning, my voice went from Barry White to Darth Vader. I think Christina was a little bit frightened that Vader had momentarily inhabited my body.

This weekend is looking good. I am going to a friend’s art show tonight and then watching the Chris Rock documentary Good Hair. Tomorrow I’m going to see A Single Man. Sunday will be an Oscar party hosted by two ladies who know how to throw a fabulous Oscar party. All day Saturday I will have to myself and I’m probably most excited about that.

Does anybody watch Community on NBC? I’ve never seen an episode but I caught the tail end of last night’s episode. Joel McHale’s character was playing pool with an old man and it quickly devolved (or I guess evolved, depending on how you look at it) into a naked pool match. Joel McHale is surprisingly ripped. I did not expect that; it came out of nowhere, kind of like my Darth Vader voice.


  1. i love community. it makes me not hate nbc.

  2. That is hilarious, I am now just getting over the Darth Vadar cough myself. I hope you took full advantage of it and started quoting Vadar phrases, "search your heart, you know it to be true", etc.

    I am STILL waiting for Netflix to get Good Hair. I have been waiting for months to see it. Let me know how it is.

  3. I sorta want to hear this Darth Vader voice. Very intriuging. haha.

    And I saw a preview for 'Good Hair' and it looked sort of interesting. Let me know what you think of it.

  4. I haven't watched last night's episode yet, but I loooooove Community! Keep watching, it's a keeper. And so is Joel McHale!

  5. Back in the good old days of TV when FRIENDS was on, I remember Phoebe's singing career took off when she got sick because her voice got all low and sultry! I saw capitalize on it!
