Monday, May 24, 2010

Please insert caption

This picture was part of a post on Mormon Matters about politicization of the church. The post itself is a starting point for some great discussion, as evidenced by the many comments on the post. There was one comment that caught my eye. A comment about how this picture is just crying out for a caption. The one suggested was, "Church leaders present President Obama a schematic of the Plan of Salvation, and point out where unrepentant Democrats go."
OK, now it's your turn. I'm looking at you, Pablo. Ready, set, GO!


  1. Sorry to that it looks more like "Pres. Monson showing Pres. Obama his Family History"

  2. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's what's actually happening, but it's much more fun to come up with alternative captions. :)

  3. Well, you asked for it! (And you may never ask me again). You didn't say we're limited on the number of suggestions, so I'm giving you more than one. I just can't resist.

    1) "Mormon Church officials show President Obama a list of the 23,576 church members who submitted his mother's name to have her temple work done."

    2) "Mormon Church officials point out to President Obama a provision in the Internal Revenue Code allowing the church to donate millions of dollars to political campaigns while still maintaining its tax-exempt status."

    3) "Mormon Church officials gave President Obama a flowchart showing the church's extensive work on various anti-gay marriage initiatives since 1998. Dallin Oaks points to early efforts in Alaska and Hawaii. Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) is attempting to use his Mormon telepathy to tell Oaks to shut up."

    4) "Dallin Oaks shows President Obama the findings of researchers at FAIR (The Foundation for Apologetic Information and Research) that 'conclusively show' that Brigham Young never really said all those nasty things about people of African ancestry. Dallin Oaks is pointing out where the researchers explain the historical context of Young's statement: 'If the white man who belongs to the chosen seed mixes his blood with the seed of Cain, the penalty, under the law of God, is death on the spot. This will always be so.' – Journal of Discourses, Vol. 10, p. 110, March 8, 1863."

    5) "Dallin Oaks, an apostle in the Mormon Church, points out to President Obama the date when the elders of the church will be called on to 'bear the Constitution away from the edge of destruction.' Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) looks on, noticing the date when the elders actually read the Constitution is to occur approximately two months thereafter."

  4. Shadow Presidency: Mormon Church Secretly in Charge of US Government

  5. i love the look on that other black guys face. its like hes looking at something totally crazy. like "and here is where joseph smith secretly won the us presidency but was given revelation to resign it and never speak of it again except to the first black president and his staff."

  6. LOL. Love the captions (your caption and Pablo's captions). Cracks me up. Thanks!
