Last night I had a dream that I was hanging out with the cast of Brothers & Sisters. Not the whole cast though, it was only Sally Field and the girl who plays Justin’s fiancĂ©. (Or should I say wife???? We don’t know because Kitty passed out dramatically at the end of the last episode in the middle of their ceremony!!!) Anyway, one of the male characters was also there, but I can’t remember who. I think it was either Justin or Kevin. All I remember is that we were hanging out on the set and laughing. I think maybe I was making a guest appearance and we were in between scenes. That’s how it is in the biz, sometimes you’re just waiting between scenes, joking around on the set.
On my way to work I saw a superhero car. It had all sorts of large, almost life size, decals all over it of various superheroes, like Captain America and Flash and so on. On the back of it, where you would normally see the VW or the Toyota symbol, it had a fancy looking metallic superman symbol. The license plate said “Kal-El”. It would have made for a good POW! picture if I had been able to get my phone out fast enough.
Speaking of good POW! pictures, when my sister and I were at the coast, we saw a dog with two broken hind legs. It was in some sort of doggie wheelchair with its back half hoisted onto some kind of contraption with two wheels. Weird. I wanted to take a picture, but the owner was right there and thought that wouldn’t be very nice.
Speaking of bad times to take a good POW! Courtney told me that once she went to breakfast and there was a lady there who didn’t have any arms and was eating with her feet. She wanted to take a picture, but refrained. See how classy my friends are? Maybe I should also have a DOPOW! where you submit a description of a picture that you felt too uncomfortable to take.
You might think I have a vendetta against Sarah Palin. I would call it more of a fascination with her (and not the kind where I scour the internet to find pictures of her in a bikini). Did you hear about this? Really Sarah Palin? You’re wearing a visor from your failed campaign in 2008 that you probably handed out for free to people at town halls? AND you scribbled out McCain’s name in black MARKER? Really? Can you not afford to go out and just BUY a new visor? You could probably get one for cheap at a dollar store. Seth Meyers, if you are reading my blog, you can use this on Weekend Update.
I’m looking at flights to go to Hong Kong to visit my sister and her family. It’s weird to say that she has a family because she’s my little sister, but she has a husband and two kids, so they are totally legit. The cheapest ticket is on Korean Air. I remembered, however, that I read about Korean Air in Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell.
Korean Air once had a disturbing record of crashes, attributable not to poor maintenance or any incompetence on the part of Korean pilots but to cultural practices of deference and linguistic indirection -- that is, it's up to the listener to figure out the speaker's meaning in Korean, while in English it's the speaker's duty to make himself clear. This was a deadly trait in the cockpit, when co-pilots were unable to bring themselves to tell the captain, "Sir, we're about to hit that mountain."
This ended up being about a lot more than just my guest appearance on B&S.
Where was the sympathy and discretion for that other weird looking dog? :) I too find myself scouring the world for POWs, but more often than not, social appropriateness wins out. Oh well, someday I will have something amazing to contribute.
ReplyDeletefor a second i thought your superheor car was part of the dream.
ReplyDeletethat airline sounds like a win!!! i'll remember to use it when i fly overseas :)
I also thought the superhero car was part of the dream. I wondered how you were going to take a picture even if you did get your phone out fast enough.
ReplyDeleteI still think we should have asked the man if we could take a picture of his dog. Dang it.
And, I heard that the Korean Air is an awesome airlines. Maybe it is as long as you don't hit any mountains.
i have flown korean air, and lived to tell about it! they constantly bring you snacks and hot towels to the point of annoying.
ReplyDeletekorean air is the bomb diggity. spoken by a true korean.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I suppose I should have made it a little bit more clear that the superhero car was not part of the dream. Fortunately for me, that was real. Krisanne, I'm not sure of Korean Air being the bomb diggity is a good thing. Anytime the the word bomb is used to describe an airline, I get a little uncomfortable.
ReplyDeleteI would want to hang out with Nora, Justin, Kitty, and Kevin, I think. I especially wouldn't mind hanging out alone with a gay version of Justin. Just sayin'.